This part of the site enables the user to extract information from the database in various ways.
This section describes in detail the search facility on the home page which may be used to search for a plant name.
Latin names at all taxonomic levels (i.e. families, genera, species and names of lower taxa) may be searched for as well as vernacular names.
Cultivated plants are included in the search; those that are purely cultivated are indicated in the results.
Search terms entered must be at least 4 characters long; searching for a 3-letter word will produce no results. Complete words must be entered; searching for parts of words will produce no results (e.g. searching for 'brachy' will not find 'brachystegia'). If more than two words are entered, the search will return all plant names containing at least one of the words. The search is not case-sensitive.
This first batch of programs produces totals of the non-blank records in each of the main data tables. They are therefore a crude measure of progress to date:
This program produces the total number of records from each date.
Extract a list of records from a particular date:
This program converts a 6-figure grid reference to latitude and longitude.
Enter Grid Reference: e.g. UR031329
Extract a list of records from a particular quarter degree square:
This program produces the total number of records for each spot character.
This program produces the total number of records split by country of origin
This program produces the total number of records by each recorder
This enables the user to search the database for any place name (e.g. 'Alexandra' or 'Charmwood'). Only places within Caprivi are searched.