Images taken by John Laing

Records: 12

The following is a list of the images made by John Laing in species name order.

Click on the number in the column headed 'No' to see the full record details and on the thumbnail image in order to view the full-size image.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column

NoImageSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)PhotographerColl.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc CodeImage
61419Cadaba termitaria Cadaba termitaria11 Oct 2014J Laing
J Laing J Laing Mopani woodlandMahenye Village0Zimbabwe2132A2 S197

61419Cadaba termitaria Cadaba termitaria11 Oct 2014J Laing
J Laing J Laing Mopani woodlandMahenye Village0Zimbabwe2132A2 S197

61419Cadaba termitaria Cadaba termitaria11 Oct 2014J Laing
J Laing J Laing Mopani woodlandMahenye Village0Zimbabwe2132A2 S197

61419Cadaba termitaria Cadaba termitaria11 Oct 2014J Laing
J Laing J Laing Mopani woodlandMahenye Village0Zimbabwe2132A2 S197

76809Gladiolus magnificus Gladiolus magnificus4 Feb 2017J Laing
J Laing J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on deep kalahari sand.Along kalahari sandveld road, Zambezi National Park. 1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W1026

76809Gladiolus magnificus Gladiolus magnificus4 Feb 2017J Laing
J Laing J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on deep kalahari sand.Along kalahari sandveld road, Zambezi National Park. 1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W1026

76809Gladiolus magnificus Gladiolus magnificus4 Feb 2017J Laing
J Laing J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on deep kalahari sand.Along kalahari sandveld road, Zambezi National Park. 1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W1026

76809Gladiolus magnificus Gladiolus magnificus4 Feb 2017J Laing
J Laing J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on deep kalahari sand.Along kalahari sandveld road, Zambezi National Park. 1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W1026

76809Gladiolus magnificus Gladiolus magnificus4 Feb 2017J Laing
J Laing J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on deep kalahari sand.Along kalahari sandveld road, Zambezi National Park. 1760Zimbabwe1725D3 W1026

98435Ochna arenaria Ochna arenaria20 Oct 2018J Laing
J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on Kalahari sand.Zambezi National Park.1760Zimbabwe1725D3W1028

Same plant as record 98434 but now in fruit.

98434Ochna arenaria Ochna arenaria11 Sep 2018J Laing
J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on Kalahari sand.Zambezi National Park.1760Zimbabwe1725D3W1028

75563Paropsia brazzeana Paropsia brazzeana17 Sep 2016J Laing
J Laing BT Wursten In woodland on Kalahari sandAlong Lupane-Nkayi road before Mbuma. 0Zimbabwe1828C4W1143


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Caprivi: Images taken by John Laing., retrieved 13 February 2025

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