Collections made by Anthony Mapaura

Records: 7

The following is a list of the collections made by Anthony Mapaura in species name order. The records are of species which occur in Caprivi (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
61929 Alectra sessiliflora var. senegalensis16 Apr 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
P Ballings
J Timberlake
J Hadj-Hammou
H Matimele
A Mapaura AM652 J Osborne SRGH
Growing in grassland between quartzite rock boulders. Slopes of Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts. 168320Mozambique1933C1MS1455

Both flowers and roots yellow. Stem slightly sticky. Fairly common locally.

64931 Commelina africana27 Oct 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
A Mapaura AM704 BT Wursten A Mapaura SRGH
Among rocks in open Brachystegia-Uapaca woodland, area with signs of recent fire. Near Mucandue stream crossing, eastern Chimanimani Mts.168330Mozambique1933C3MS1114

Yellow flowers and reddish stems. Small white hairs at base of leaves.

67080 Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa3 Nov 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
A Mapaura AM736 RB Faden SRGH
Along dry water course with Syzygium. c.800 m from Mevumodzi river. Along footpath from Mevumodzi to Matimati market, Chimanimani Mts. 168330Mozambique1933C3MS1270

Flowers with 2 large blue petals, sepals whitish with blue tint at edges. Leaf sheath purplish.

67082 Commelina diffusa subsp. diffusa1 Nov 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
J Timberlake
A Mapaura AM724 RB Faden SRGH
Growing in shelter of quartzite boulder. Locality receives some very early morning sunshine. Some plants growing in dark rock shelter where they receive no direct sunlight. Near summit Mt Shangani, eastern Chimanimani Mts168330Mozambique1933C3MS1391

Only one plant seen flowering. Plant rooting at nodes. Flowers blue flowers. Dark green leaves.

74633 Cyanotis foecunda1 Nov 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
J Timberlake
A Mapaura 723 DJ Goyder SRGH
At base of small rock garden with schist and quartzite rocks. Ridge on Mt Shangani, Chimanimani mountains. 168330Mozambique1933C3MS1324

Pink flowers with distinctive blue anthers. Stem purplish, with white hairs on stems. Some less hairy forms also seen. Locally common.

66989 Melinis repens subsp. repens27 Oct 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
A Mapaura AM703 A Mapaura M Xanthos SRGH
Stony ground. Area has been burnt in recent months. Mucandue River, Eastern slopes of Chimanimani mountains 168330Mozambique1933C3MS1114

Plants 50 cm tall with white hairs at nodes. Inflorescence red.

74800 Trachypogon spicatus2 Nov 2014BT Wursten
A Mapaura
A Mapaura AM732 M Xanthos SRGH
In wet quartzite grassland. Soak zone of a small stream. Along stream about 200 m before it enters river flowing from Bakoramambo towards Mubvumodzi, Chimanimani mountains. 168330Mozambique1933C3MS1409

Plants to 70 cm tall. Showy inflorescence with anthers falling easily. Yellow anthers appear to be arranged in rows on one side of inflorescence. Locally common.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Caprivi: Collections made by Anthony Mapaura., retrieved 13 February 2025

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