Checklist: Hydrocharitaceae



This is a checklist of taxa generated from the database. Genera and species which are purely cultivated have been excluded.

To go to the main family page, click on the family name above.

Limnobium laevigatum
Gibbs Russell, G.E. (1977) Keys to Vascular Aquatic Plants in Rhodesia Kirkia 10(2) 411-502 
Obermeyer, A.A. (1966) Hydrocharitaceae Flora of Southern Africa 1  
Simpson, D.S. (1989) Hydrocharitaceae Flora of Tropical East Africa  
Symoens, J.J. (2009) Hydrocharitaceae Flora Zambesiaca 12(2)  
NamesFZ Divisions
88.000 LAGAROSIPHON Harv. 
Lagarosiphon cordofanus Casp.
Lagarosiphon crispus Rendle
Lagarosiphon ilicifolius Oberm.
Hydrilla verticillata sensu Gibbs
Lagarosiphon muscoides Harv. var. major sensu Schinz
Lagarosiphon muscoides Harv.
Vallisneria spiralis L.
Vallisneria aethiopica Fenzl
95.000 OTTELIA Pers. 
Ottelia exserta (Ridl.) Dandy
Boottia exserta Ridl.
Boottia macrantha C.H. Wright
Boottia mossambicensis Peter
Ottelia kunenensis (Gürke) Dandy
Ottelia muricata (C.H. Wright) Dandy
Boottia aschersoniana Gürke
Boottia muricata C.H. Wright
Ottelia ulvifolia (Planch.) Walp.
Damasonium ulvifolium Planch.
Ottelia lancifolia A. Rich.
Ottelia latifolia De Wild.
Ottelia plantaginea Ridl.

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Caprivi: Checklist: Hydrocharitaceae]., retrieved 17 February 2025

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