Flora of Caprivi: Utilities: All images of Pteleopsis

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display all images (whether of herbarium specimens or of living plants) for each species within a particular genus.

Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Zimbabwean site.

Separate pages exist which display images of living plants only and of herbarium specimens only for this genus.

Pteleopsis myrtifolia
Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Island 2, Katombora, Zambezi

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Island 2, Katombora, Zambezi

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Colin Wenham
Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Nhambita, Gorongosa

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Along trail above Garuzo hotel, going to the waterfall, Mt Garuzo, Manica

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Whaleback near Zembe along Sussundenga road

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from Nhago Camp to nearby settlement, Coutada 12

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

Pteleopsis myrtifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Southern margin of Inhamitanga Forest near railway line, Coutada 12, Cheringoma

1 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Caprivi: Utilities: All images of Pteleopsis.
https://www.capriviflora.com/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-all-images-by-genus.php?genus_id=1009, retrieved 17 January 2025

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