Home | > | List of insects | > | Lepidoptera - Butterflies and Moths | > | Nymphalidae - Danainae | > | Amauris echeria lobengula |
Note: | Differs from the nominate race in having a more extensive yellow band on the hindwing |
Distribution: | replaces the Southern African nominate race in Zimbabwe |
Larval food (by plant family): |
Larval food (by plant genus): |
Larval food (by plant species): |
Literature: | Henning, G.A., Pringle, E.L.L. & Ball, J.B. (1994), Pennington's Butterflies of Southern Africa, Struik Winchester, Cape Town, p. 50. |
Home | > | List of insects | > | Lepidoptera - Butterflies and Moths | > | Nymphalidae - Danainae | > | Amauris echeria lobengula |