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Trees or shrubs, without prickles. Leaves alternate or rarely opposite (in V. bachmannii), 1- or 3-5-foliolate. Inflorescences of axillary and terminal racemes, panicles or clustered cymes. Flowers usually unisexual by abortion, (2-)4(-5)-merous. Sepals united to form a cup-shaped (3-)4-5-lobed calyx. Petals (3-)4, oblong. Male flowers: stamens 4-5 or (6-)8. Female flowers: ovary 1-2-4-locular, smooth. Fruit drupaceous, smooth, usually 1-2-4-seeded or sometimes woody and verrucose (in V. bremekampii). Worldwide: 90 species in tropical and South Africa, Mascarenes and India. Caprivi: 1 taxon. |
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