Schoenoplectiella Lye
Browning, J., Gordon-Gray, K.D., Lock, M., Beentje, H., Vollesen, K., Bauters, K., Archer, C., Larridon, I., Xanthos, M., Vorster, P., Bruhl, J., Wilson, K. & Zhang, X. (2020)
Cyperaceae Flora Zambesiaca 14 1-455
Description of the genus
Closely related to Schoenoplectus but including those species with an annual habit. Worldwide: 65 taxa; Cosmopolitan Caprivi: 2 taxa. |
No image yet |
Species | FZ divisions | Content |
articulata (L.) Ley | | Description, Image |
erecta (Poir.) Lye | | Image |
Other sources of information about Schoenoplectiella:
Our websites:
Flora of Botswana:
SchoenoplectiellaFlora of Burundi:
SchoenoplectiellaFlora of Malawi:
SchoenoplectiellaFlora of Mozambique:
SchoenoplectiellaFlora of Zambia:
SchoenoplectiellaFlora of Zimbabwe:
SchoenoplectiellaExternal websites:
African Plants: A Photo Guide (Senckenberg):
SchoenoplectiellaBHL (Biodiversity Heritage Library):
SchoenoplectiellaEOL (Encyclopedia of Life):
SchoenoplectiellaGBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility):
Web -
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SchoenoplectiellaIPNI (International Plant Names Index):
SchoenoplectiellaJSTOR Plant Science:
SchoenoplectiellaMansfeld World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops:
SchoenoplectiellaPlants of the World Online:
Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25
Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M.
Flora of Caprivi: Genus page: Schoenoplectiella., retrieved 20 February 2025
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