Trees, shrubs, rarely climbers. Leaves alternate, usually very large and in terminal rosettes, with a sheathing base; petiole or rhachis often prickly; lamina pinnate, bipinnate (Caryota), palmate, costapalmate or undivided, sometimes with a hastula. Inflorescences axillary, simple to paniculate, with branching up to 4 orders. Flowers usually small, unisexual (when plant is dioecious or monoecious) or bisexual. Calyx and corolla usually in whorls of 3. Stamens usually 6. Ovary superior. Fruit usually a drupe; seed usually 1. Worldwide: 201 genera and 2,650 species, tropical (but few in Africa) and warm. Caprivi: 8 cultivated genera and 8 cultivated taxa. |